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 In in our 21st century, Love is a word which relates only to a couple in which only a boy and a girl is involved, which is not wrong but this concept has become limited only to this. Nowadays, people only think about "a duo of different gender" when listening about the word "love". The terms attraction, like, love and romance are very different from each other; but why don't we, the people of 21st century think about our narrow-mind while assuming the love in different way instead of its own real meaning. For a couple, love should not like holding hands physically for a while, it must be a bonding of souls for whole life.
 We should take love also as a compassion to society, for human beings and nature. It can be an affection not only for a single person but to whole world for us. It is true that love is different for every person in our life which includes mother, father, brother, sister, wife or any other loved one. But we will come to know about the various shapes of love, only when we'll understand the true meaning of love, for which the term "love" born. I'm not against the relationship between a "boyfriend & girlfriend"; rather I'll support it, but only if the relationship is healthy in the form of true adoration. Actually love is something more than which we see in the world according to youth.
 Indian people use word "prem" for love. In Lord Buddha's teachings, he used word "Karuna" for love instead of prem, which is a pure feeling and pure form of love. Think about it, Lord Buddha used word "karuna" instead of "prem" before 2512 years from now. At that time, he thought about the meaning of love (prem) which people will assume after 2400 years. Now we can see, how we take the meaning of Love, what we visualize for that term...
 Love is a magical feeling. It can be illusion for some people, but they have to believe in its existence.

- Aashit Sable.


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