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Showing posts from January, 2023

Where is the rest of the population in the Hindu-Muslim binary?

 Article 1 of Indian Constitution states “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.” But many of us citizens, the right-wing political leaders of both in power and opposition, even the Muslim leaders and the whole of Bollywood calls our country as “Hindustan”. This one word tells us how backward we are and how much do we respect our independent country and our constitution. The concept of Hindustan again & again reminds me of our slavery when we were under the rule of various foreign rulers. But those who call it as Hindustan, knowingly or unknowingly depicts how unaffectionate, uncompassionate and ignorant they are towards other communities living in India. Whenever someone shows their patriotism, especially from right-wing, they are more patriot to the pre-independent Hindustan than the post-independent India (Bharat).   Fanatic Domination:   Using the references from our history, the British rulers propagated the hatred between Hindus and Muslims and after the i