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Hatred in the belly

Those men & women who ignore the #AmbedkarJayanti or do not acknowledge it are the real casteist people. Likes & shares are just the matter of support & endorsement which is a result of your psychology; those who do not bother to place anything on their walls regarding #BabasahebAmbedkar should introspect their mentality & ask their parents too that what is the reason of their upliftment, development, convenience, accommodation, privileges, luxury & most importantly the rights in their personal, educational & social life, their jobs, businesses. Ask yourself about the freedom you got. If you find it hard, leave the list of #DrAmbedkar's contributions like the RBI, PF, DA, 8 hours work limit, recognition of trade unions, legal strike act, Maternity leave & rights in family property for women, right to divorce & guardianship, equal pay for men & women, building dams & planning the irrigation, water & electricity management for future India, Hindu code bill, etc. but at least try to understand who wrote the Constitution of India and led the foundation of the world's biggest democracy! Isn't it amazing that within few years a single man transformed a religious autocratic notion to a secular democratic nation! Getting freedom is one thing & to preserve the freedom is a different thing. Denying the contributions of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is a result of lack of education & not knowing the real fabric of our own country. Posting Indian national flag on our profiles & chanting few slogans is not nationalism, but recognizing our heroes & their thoughts is. I'm not asking anyone to become hardcore Ambedkarite like me, but ignoring a person who gave you all the rights & freedom is not a good act.


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