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Happy Explosive Festival

I'm having a feeling that I live in some terrorist occupied city. Everywhere bombs are exploding, experiencing breathing issues due to air pollution as I've also suffered from chronic sinusitis, many of us have started blood pressure issues due to noise pollution. Some retards are bursting bombs at every dawn around 5 o'clock everywhere. Yesterday, I was in sleep at around 5:30am dreaming something horror & suddenly a bomb explodes in front of my house! I woke up in panic & my heart was beating extremely fast at abnormal rate like I'm suffering from tachycardia. When I went in my balcony, a 28-year-old stupid boy was 'enjoying the explosions' alone. I think we, i.e. our social workers, environmental activists, politicians & everyone have failed in creating awareness in society about the pollution, harm, stress, etc. in festivals like diwali. Plus, some senseless people are creating a culture of bursting crackers in early morning, when others are sleeping; I'm observing this since last 2-3 years. These people do not think about their fellow citizens. We're destroying our own atmosphere, nature, lives along with culture. This is not our culture. Firecrackers are manufactured & made in China for their business & selfishness. If we want to call this the festival of lights, we've stop bursting the useless bombs & firecrackers. At least we must follow the 2005 order of Supreme Court, where it defines the 'nighttime' from 10pm to 6am for not bursting crackers. Most of the citizens do not follow it, which is a result of religious fundamentalism. Note:- I've not mentioned the dirt & trash which is the result of this festival. Every morning dalits in the very Hindu religion clean the country; but their number may decrease as most of them are leaving Hinduism and becoming/have become Buddhists nowadays (see Una protests in Gujarat). So if you want to continue to burst firecrackers, be prepared to clean your surroundings on your own. Till then have a safe & happy festival of explosions. (Because I can't call it a festival of lights, at least now!)


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